How do I use Product Hierarchy? Step 2

Categorise and organise products using the Product Hierarchy feature.




2. Managing Products within the Product Hierarchy

Now that your organisation's Product Hierarchy has been defined and set up by your Skyjed Administrator, Product Owners can allocate the required Product Hierarchy layer to existing or new products, as needed. 

For Existing Products

Product Owners:

Go to: Products Page > Select Product Name > Manage > Hierarchy


To update the Product Hierarchy Layer for existing Products:

1. Select the Product, go to the Manage tab and select the Hierarchy page. 

2. Select the applicable Product Layer. 

3. Select the applicable "Product Of" for the Product. This is the Product in the layer immediately higher in the Product Hierarchy. The Skyjed platform will only present available options in this field. 

4. Save the selections made. 

5. To validate the selections made, go back to the Products page and you will see the updated Product Hierarchy layer options selected for the Product with the visual colour indicator. 

For example, if you select a middle or lower Product Hierarchy layer, options will be available to select as required. However, if you select the highest Product Hierarchy layer, the Product Of option will not be available as there is nothing above it to select.

In the example below, Motor Insurance is a Category Product which is at the top of the Product Hierarchy Layer. Here, Category Product should be selected under Select Product Layer. 




Below, Category Product has been chosen as the selected layer. As a result, the "Product Of" field is not available for selection since the Category Product represents the highest level within the Product Hierarchy. 




In the example below, Limited Motor is a Sub Category Product. Here, there is an option to select the "Product Of" field. Choose the Product Of field based on your Product Hierarchy. In this case, Limited Motor is a Sub Category Product of the Category Product - Motor Insurance. 

Additionally, you can see that Fire & Theft Motor Insurance is a Product of Limited Motor.  




Below, you can see that Fire & Theft Motor Insurance has been assigned to the Product layer, which is the default layer for all Products in Skyjed. Additionally, you will notice that Fire & Theft Motor Insurance is categorised as a Product within the Sub Category Product of Limited Motor. 




After categorising your existing Products into the Product Hierarchy, you can navigate back to your organisation's Products page. There, you will notice that each Product now displays the relevant Product Hierarchy Layer, along with a color visual icon. Additionally, if a Product is associated with specific Product Hierarchy Layers, you will find a reference indicating this. 

For example, in the case of Fire & Theft Motor Insurance, it is categorised as a Product and is also a Product of Limited Motor, which is a Sub Category Product. Additionally, Limited Motor itself is a Product of the Category Product, Motor Insurance.


Note - You can have multiple Products assigned to the Product Hierarchy Layer providing they are part of the same portfolio.




You can enhance your understanding of how Products are grouped within your organisation by utilising the filtering options available for Hierarchy Layers and Product Of fields. 

This allows you to analyse and categorise your Products based on their placement within the Product Hierarchy.  



For New Products

Product Owners:

Go to: Products Page > Add Product > Follow the Add Product Wizard Prompts


To add a new Product and select the appropriate Product Hierarchy Layer, go to the Products page and click on "Add Product"

 1. In the first step of the Add Product Wizard, provide the necessary details for your product, including the name, description, and product code. You should also select the Portfolio, Product lifecycle stage, and in-market date, if known. 

2. In the second step of the Add Product Wizard, you will choose the Product Hierarchy Layer. Select the layer that corresponds to your Product. If applicable, you can also select if your Product is a Product of or sub-product of a higher Product Hierarchy Layer. 

Note: If your product belongs to the highest Product Hierarchy layer, you won't be able to select a sub-product. 

3. The final step of the Add Product Wizard is to set up your Product team. Select the Product owner, Product team, and any additional team members as necessary. 

Make sure to follow these steps to seamlessly add your new Product and assign it to the correct Product Hierarchy Layer. 


Add Product - Step 1 - Product Details 



Add Product - Step 2 - Choose Product Hierarchy Layer 



Note: Step 2 of the Add Product Wizard will only appear and be required if additional Product Hierarchy Layers have been added in your organisation's Skyjed account by your Skyjed Administrator via Settings > Product Hierarchy.




Add Product - Step 3 - Set up your Product team 




You've set up new Products in your Product Hierarchy. 

Go to Step 3 >>