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New Driver Data Input fields, Rationale for Skipped Events and more (March 2023)

Learn about key features we have updated in our Customer Product Release in March 2023 Customer

Watch our Customer Release video or read on below!

Group your data* 

As a product leader, when you manage multiple portfolios, whilst reviewing reports, you often assess multiple lines of data for a single driver data property. For example, when reviewing product sales in a reporting period, click through to the drill down from the graph in DDO Reports, and click on the “group by” button to aggregate the data. Then export the data into a spreadsheet making it easy to minimise the data.  This is currently available in DDO Insight Reports. 

Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 11.39.56 am

Access this tool if you are signed up to Skyjed Enterprise 

* Group data is only available in DDO Report for users with a Skyjed Enterprise account.  


Status Notes in Actions

Risk and Strategy actions are critical in planning outcomes for a product and is a favoured tool of product leaders and compliance teams. A risk or strategy action can be automatically generated by a workflow or manually entered. Either way, you can now add a “status note” which is a summary of the current status of the action assuring product leaders that it is being managed. The status note can be exported along with other action details from the various action pages. Give this a go today!  

 Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 11.42.13 am

Driver Data Input  

Some of the new features include a ribbon containing instruction labels to guide you on how to best populate the driver data fields plus a lot of extra smarts to make adding, and editing data or rows easier and more efficient. 

Best of all, for those extra wide pages with lots of columns, you will see an arrow icon to indicate more input columns. Never miss a data input field!

Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 11.48.17 am 


Skip Event Rationale

In scheduling reviews in advance, there are occasions where you might have to skip a scheduled event. When skipping an event you can now provide a “rationale” to document a reason for doing so which forms part of your record keeping and compliance. This is a feature that a number of our users are looking forward to using, so we are excited to share that this is now available!


Lean Review Template

We know how time-poor our users are and to help, we have developed a Lean Product Review template to conduct a quick and regular check-in measuring your top-level product strategy, health assumptions, metrics and growth opportunities. In using this template, or other Skyjed-authored audit templates, you can derive a product health check.  Our audit templates are now as follows:

 Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 11.46.36 am

 Start using an audit template today to generate your product health check score