Skyjed commands and terms you need to know

This article defines some common Skyjed terms.

Skyjed Product Workspace 

A workspace in Skyjed is like a ‘space or hub’ for product management. Your Product Workspace is made up of design, audit, domain and driver information. It is an at-a-glance representation of Product Strategy Summaries, Actions and Comments.

Customised virtual team

Skyjed allows you to create a virtual lifecycle team made up of different areas of expertise from your organisation so you can work remotely from anywhere, at any time. You can invite team members from development, support, customer success, finance, marketing and CX to create a cross-department team.  Product management is a collaborative effort so the wider the expertise of your team, the better your product will be.


A Skyjed Product Audit is a tool to help you monitor and review your product strategy, then make a forward-looking assessment about it.


A domain is an area of product health. 


A driver prompt for information or rating. It usually applies to your product domains.

Product health index

The Skyjed product health index is an AI-based rating of the health of your product expressed as a percentage.

Product Health-check score

The Skyjed product health-check score is an indicator or measure of the health of your product expressed visually.

Product assessment stage

The product assessment stage is the current status of your product design or audit. Skyjed offers one of four stages:

  1. In progress – a product strategy is defined and team created
  2. Review – a product health assessment is underway
  3. Approve – a product health assessment is completed and ready for approval to release as accurate point in time assessment.
  4. Published – product health assessment completed, reports are automatically generated.  When published it becomes a date stamped system record.


The act of releasing or publishing your product assessment.  You have completed the current review of your product and you are ready to begin the next cycle of product monitoring and improvement.


A dashboard showing real-time information and analytics about product performance or health.

Driver value review

The sum of the ratings  using one of seven rating scales.  You can drill down to see the relevant drivers.


A predesignated report generated from a product audit assessment. It’s a point in time snapshot on product health.

Skyjed roles

Skyjed has application roles and team membership roles available.  Each role has a set of application permissions allocated to it.

Skyjed application roles Ideal for...
Super Admin Head Product, VP Product - you manage the subscription and account billing.
Admin General Manager Product or Group Manager
Super User Head of Risk, Head of Marketing, Head Legal or anyone that requires visibility across all products within the organisation
Advisor Anyone external to the organisation who only requires a viewing role - consultant.
Standard User Virtual product team collaborating together on a specific product.



A user is any person you invite to join your Skyjed workspace.


Team member

A team member is any user you assign as active member of your product assessment.

Skyjed team membership roles Ideal for...
Product owner Product manager, product owner - the person accountable for the product strategy and results.
Contributor Virtual team - legal, regulatory, customer success, design, marketing, product operations and strategy
Product Leader VP Product, Head of Product, GM of Product,
Report Viewer Head of Commercial, Head Digital or Strategy.


 Skyjed product status

Product status is the stage of the product lifecycle.  Skyjed uses seven stages:

  1. Planning: Defining your concept to solve a customer problem.
  2. Development: Designing the product to meet a target customers needs.
  3. Launched: Recently released into market for customer to use or purchase.
  4. Mature: Product that is no longer experience year on year growth.
  5. Exiting: Decision made to exit product from market and project plan in place.
  6. Closed: Product strategy is decommissioned
  7. Archive: Product information sent to storage and can be retrieved at later date.

 Managing Actions


An action is a plan to achieve an outcome.  You can select one of two action types: risk mitigation or strategic.

Risk mitigation

Risk mitigation is an action plan to prepare for or lessen the adverse impacts and long term sustainability of your product health.


A Strategic action is a documented plan to meet your product objectives and strategy.

Risk Assessment

A Risk Assessment is qualitative assessment of the risk and determined risk range.  The range is one of seven ratings: 

  • Very Likely
  • Guaranteed
  • Likely, Unlikely
  • Rare
  • Not Applicable.

Risk Likelihood

The risk likelihood is the probability of occurrence of a defined risk expressed as a rating.

Risk Impact

A risk impact is an estimate of the potential consequences and/or losses associated with an identified risk occurring.

Calculated risk rating

A calculated risk rating is an AI-calculated rating of the likelihood or the risk arising and the severity of the impact.

Target date

A target date is a date for you to track.  Its the date set for an event or for the completion of an action or goal.

Due date

The due date relates to an action and is the baseline completion date.


Cadence is the rhythm or frequency which a product manager completes a review and assessment of the health of their product and where a team has the opportunity to contribute. Basically, it is how often you run a Skyjed Audit.