Review Data Integration files in Skyjed

Access logs and files transferred from your organisation to Skyjed, these are found in the Integration section of your Skyjed platform.

Video Tutorial | 4 mins

Watch this video to learn about accessing data integration files the data team have shared to Skyjed.

Integrations Functions 

To access the integrations functions in Skyjed, from the purple side bar, navigate to  SETTINGS and click through to INTEGRATIONS

The following pages are set up during the onboarding phase of your organisation into Skyjed.

  • Secrets - Enables the SFTP connection where you will find your Public Key
  • Import Rules - This page provides the data files your organisation is integrating and the files with data mapped fields.
  • Import History - A log providing you with the data imported to date.

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Import History

This page provides a list of imported data to date. Ensure your data is sent on time and as agreed with your data team and Product Owner at your organisation who will also likely to be a Skyjed Administrator.

Ensure there are no import errors, if there are ensure you access the log. Click on the meatball menu (3 dot symbol) and review the error log. The data team should also receive an error message at the time of sharing the data.