Add team members to assist you by collaborating on your product
Level of access
Every team member in Skyjed has a role, and each role has a different level of access. Skyjed has application roles and team membership roles. The Skyjed application roles are all about managing the application, account and billing. The Skyjed team membership roles are team roles in your Product Workspace.
- Super User – The Super User has the ability to run reports across all product, plus everything that a Standard user has.
- Standard User – Full access to the Skyjed application. You can be one of four standard roles - Product Owner, Contributor, Report Viewer and Product Leader.
- Advisor – Ability to run reports across all products but cant undertake any activity. Ideal for consultants, Board members, Advisory Boards or Investors.
- Administrator - Full access to the application plus access to the application administration
- Super Admin - Everything that the Admin has plus Skyjed's account and billing management.
Building Virtual Team
You decide who can contribute and how much control you wish to delegate. Ideal for remote and virtual working. Now, it’s time to decide who will collaborate with you in your virtual team:
- From your Skyjed Dashboard, Click the Settings button.
- Select Users for a list of current users.
- Click “INVITE USER” Fill in the user’s Email address and choose a Role from the drop-down list.
- We’ll send an email invitation to the address you entered.
- Under Settings Select Teams for a list of your current teams.
- Hover over a Team and click the edit icon to add/ update. Update their role as necessary within the team.
- Click “ADD TEAM MEMBERS” and select your newly invited user. You can add the user to a team before they confirm their email address.
- Click "Update"
Congratulations inviting this user will grow your Skyjed product team.